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Calendar Events April 25, 2024
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Vivek Sadasivam

@Webcast ->arkayconventioncentre or channel

......Classical Music

4:00 PM   Free    

B. Kannan (Kannan Balakrishnan)

@Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Main Auditorium)

......Classical Music

5:00 PM   Free     Mylapore

Sriranjani Santhanagopalan

@Webcast ->arkayconventioncentre or channel

......Classical Music

6:15 PM   Free    

U. K. Murali

@Mylapore Fine Arts Club Hall - TAG

Light Music

6:15 PM   Ticketed     Mylapore

Dr. Sudha Raghunathan

@Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Main Auditorium)

......Classical Music

6:30 PM   Free     Mylapore

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